Episode #004
Third Generation Nursery Growers & Pink Princess Philodendron
“Don’t let the negativity of whats happening (i.e. negative plant experience) pull you away from the beauty of whats unfolding before you and don’t let it discourage you from buying the plant again.”
In this Episode of Among the Jungle Podcast we follow the three generations worth of nursery growers and their journey to becoming the largest grower of Pink Princess Philodendron in the US. We chat in depth with Shane Maloy, third generation nursery owner and creator of what we know now as Gabriella Plants "Online". If you're ready, its time to inspire your wild!
Today we will learn:
The history of Gabriella Plants and how it’s expanding
How to get the most out of variegated plants like PPP & Variegated Monstera species
Insider information that helps you become a more educated consumer
“My dad started our business over 24 years ago... and at the time I wasn’t around. I came on the scene a year later, and grew up helping in the greenhouses. As I grew into my teens, I regularly ran the business when my dad was out of town and worked with fellow employees in the greenhouse daily, because it was in my childhood backyard after all. Our 1 acre facility focuses on high quality indoor house plants mainly pothos, philodendron and boston ferns. But after my dad ran for local elected office and won, I took over the family business from him.
Over the past 2 years, I’ve learned a lot and took over an entirely wholesale greenhouse. We never sold to the public. I changed that. After the last several months of building this store, I’m proud to ship our hand grown foliage all across the US and share my love for plants with others. And, we’re the largest supply of Pink Princess Philodendron that I know of... and we will be doing our best to keep up with demand on our 4” Pink Princess, the pride of our offerings.”
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Give that plant you killed (we all have one) in the past
another chance this week
Shane’s Variegated Monstera
NEW Packing Facility
SUPER RARE Variegated Tetrasperma
Shop Here for things mentioned in the episode:
-Slow Release Fertilizers: Nutricote | Osmocote
-Agrigate Soils or Leca Balls: Hydroton
Apopka (FL)- is also known as the “indoor foliage capital of the world” because of its multi-million dollar foliage industry. In the city's 24.9 square miles much of the land outside of the commercial and residential area is still used for agriculture.
Variegation- is the appearance of differently coloured zones in the leaves, and sometimes the stems, of plants. Variegated leaves are mutations that occur rarely in nature.
Reversion of Variegation- is when the variegated portions of the stems and/or leaves revert ot turn back to their true green color.
Tissue Culture- is the growth of tissues or cells in an artificial medium separate from the organism. This is typically facilitated via use of a liquid, semi-solid, or solid growth medium, such as broth or agar.
Plant Cloning- is the act of producing identical genetical plants from an original plant. Simply put, cloning is just to take the cutting/clipping of a plant and grow it elsewhere on its own. After 1-3 weeks, the roots will form from the cutting, and a new life of a clone begins.
In Vitro- studies are performed with microorganisms, cells, or biological molecules outside their normal biological context. Colloquially called "test-tube experiments", these studies in biology and its sub-disciplines are traditionally done in labware such as test tubes, flasks, Petri dishes, and microtiter plates.
Mutation- naturally occurring genetic mutation, sometimes known as a sport or a break, causes a sudden change in the appearance of a plant. Generally, you may only notice one or two mutations on a plant, for example, there might be just one different coloured flower or leaf on a single plant.
Greenhouse- (also called a glasshouse, or, if with sufficient heating, a hothouse) is a structure with walls and roof made chiefly of transparent material, such as glass, in which plants requiring regulated climatic conditions are grown. These structures range in size from small sheds to industrial-sized buildings.
Pests- is any animal or plant detrimental to humans or human concerns, including crops, livestock and forestry, among others. The term is also used of organisms that cause a nuisance, such as in the home.
Common Household Pests: Mealy Bugs/ Spider Mites/ Scale/ Aphids/ ThripsAerial Roots- are roots that grow on the above-ground parts of a plant. Aerial roots on woody vines function as anchors, affixing the plant to supporting structures such as trellises, rocks and walls. Some types of aerial roots also absorb moisture and nutrients, just like underground roots.
Fertilizer- natural or artificial substance containing the chemical elements that improve growth and productiveness of plants. Fertilizers enhance the natural fertility of the soil or replace the chemical elements taken from the soil by previous crops.
-GranularHydroponics- is a subset of hydro-culture, which is a method of growing plants without soil by instead using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent.
Semi-Hydroponics- 'semi hydro', or hydro-culture, is a technique of growing plants using an inorganic medium rather than soil, bark or peat moss.
Hydroton or Leca Balls- basically, semi-hydroponics means that plants are potted using LECA clay pellets. The LECA hold water and hydrates the plant's roots. The roots are allowed plenty of air circulation because LECA doesn't compact.